Im Dezember wurde das Lernen in der Oberstufe dank drei portugiesischen Austauschschülerinnen kurzfristig internationaler. Sie kamen mit dem individuellen Erasmus+ Kurzaustauschprogramm an unsere Schule. Untergebracht in drei liebevollen Gastfamilien erlebten Mariana, Elisa und Francisca den Schulalltag in Deutschland. In ihrem kurzen Bericht verdeutlichen sie ihre Eindrücke.

From the 8th December to the 18th December, we had the opportunity to experience an Erasmus+ KA1 mobility to Germany, more specifically to Norderstedt. About the school that hosted us; the Lise-Meitner-Gymnasium, we only have good things to point out about this institution. The teachers and the student were always really warm, accessible, enthusiastic and caring with us. We’ve always had the curiosity to visit this country, and we can assure you that this mobility proved to be a wonderfully enriching experience! lt was such an interesting experience, both academically and culturally, because besides the cultural differences, there are also a lot of differences in the education system. During those days, we shared a lot of knowledge with each other, where we learned a lot about Germany, and we think that our German colleagues learned a lot about our culture, the Portuguese culture. Surely, it will be an experience that we will remember as a MEMORABLE and UNFORGETTABLE time of our lives, not only because we had a lot of fun, but also we learned a lot, and we met kind and unique people that we will take for our entire lives!
GRATITUDE, FRIENDSHIP, SHARING and LEARNING four words that we think best describe, in a general way, this exchange experience.
Mariana, Elisa and Francisca